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Work from home and get more done.

In this video -podcast  I share 10 things that you need to do when working from home. I also share the best practices to be more productive when working at home. I have been remote working, (working from home) for the last two years now and these are some of the tips that help me stay organised and on top of my tasks for the day.

It is essential to be organised and plan your schedule in order to get more done and be productive when working from home. I hope you find these tips helpful and I wish you every success on your journey.


1. Start  your day with a Morning Routine to set you up for a productive day.  

2. Get ready for the day. 

3. Check your schedule for the day.

4. Schedule in lunch break during the day.

5. Take a break and get moving. 

6. Schedule in 'screen time breaks'

7. Check your sitting position and posture.  

8. Schedule time to check your phone. 

9. Plan your next day ahead

10. Be disciplined and focused. 

Once you’ve checked out this episode please do leave me a comment and let me know how you are getting on if you are working from home. I love to read your feedback and will reply back -  so feel free to share!   


Listen to the podcast version of this video on Unlock Your Potential Podcast below. Please remember to subscribe to the podcast on iTunes and share & leave me a review.  Thank YOU!  ❤️  




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